Roads and Roots
Same road.
Different paths.
Same face.
Different stories.
The structure of an object won‘t tell about it‘s origin.
While we all have a mouth, a pair of ears and a nose, the person under that face can be as different as the shape of trees.
Human roots.
Lifes leaves.
Different seasons, different shapes.
We grow in size and depth.
We grow in experience and scars.
All the same, all unique.
What happens to a tree that dies?
Either you cut their roots or you malnourish the ground.
What happens along the road of life is not in our control, but how we act upon what happens.
Sometimes we miss an exit.
Sometimes we turn on the music and sing along, holding the hand into the airstream feeling like 6 again when our world was much simpler.
This simplicity is what we strive for most often. We tell us „if we achieved that goal than XYZ happens“. Than life will be okay again...
The promotion, the increase in revenue, the relationship, this or that person, this seminar or book, this mentor, that child or dog.
Of course we learn through the relationship between all those things. An infant can only learn through interacting with its environment. So isolation and being a loner most often won‘t help.
But focus on an external situation and object won‘t either.
Goals, Visions, Mission statements and building a persona.
All a developmental process through which we try to overcome the greatest of human struggles.
Having lived an existence without meaning and purpose.
The person who has a why to live can withstand any how.
Why is why so difficult?
Friedrich can‘t tell me anymore.
Some things have an open end and our understanding will come with time...