Man only get flowers at their funeral
Man only get flowers at their funeral…
But why tho?
Giving them a sign of dignity, a sign of appreciation, a signal of love.
Why is it so hard to be vulnerable and strong at the same time?
Why is there this need to portrait the mask of power eventhough, there are moments and sometimes month of powerlessness?
Why is it so hard und undervalued to show weaknesses?
Why are we so afraid to be truthful?
First of all with ourselves, secondly with those we love, third with everyone else?
Nothing to hide, because we all share the same experience that‘s called life.
With tragedies, broken dreams and the losing of loved ones.
With the need for approval, connection and love.
With feelings of impatience, guilt and anger.
With dark sides and brighter ones.
Without that, everything would be grey.
Without dark places, we couldn’t appreciate the light.
Without battles, we wouldn‘t relish peace.
Not a symphony for war outside but waging the war within, to create peace from the inside out.
Not hiding from our demons but welcoming them in.
Making friends with what afraid you before.
The only path to liberation might be to let go of the illusion that we need to be liberated from anything.
When there is nothing to hold on to, you don’t need to let go and if you don’t need to let go, you cannot hold onto…
Maybe not being free, is a trick of our minds trying to grasp the experience of life.
While it is ever expanding, like the universe, our minds try to look for the stars as a fix point, while knowing that what we are looking at does not exist, because it died a long time ago.
Ever expanding, so are we.
If we decide to let go, of what we believe, that we need to hold onto something.
Just to realize, that we were meant to fly, while we tried the whole time to stay close to the ground.
The whole time we were afraid to look around and realize our wings.
That what life has equipped us with, would always support us, if we allowed ourselves to trust…
…stretch those wings, and fly.